Thursday, July 29, 2010

Temptations abound!

This summer I've had time to watch more tv than usual. As a result, I've been exposed to so many commercials! Many commercials feature foods made from grains: popcorn, poptarts, cereals, and other "healthy" whole grain foods. I think about how satisfying it would be to dig into a bowl of cheddar cheese flavored popcorn, or a strawberry poptart, and then I remember the pain that ensues for two or three days after I eat anything like that.

How does one maintain a healthy, for me, diet? Our whole society conspires against what's healthy for me. Everywhere there are ads encouraging us to eat peanut butter, whole grain breads, cereals, and other grains. Then there are the legumes! Bush's baked beans, green bean casseroles, roasted ears of corn, and so many delicious Mexican dishes that feature beans and corn.

Each and every day I have to remind myself that for me, these foods conspire against my good health. I end up in pain; I end up having high glucose readings; I end up having low iron levels. What's a person to do?

Thank goodness for fresh fruits and veggies, and for 100% grass-fed meats, and free range poultry. I've learned about the dangers inherent in eating farmed fish and sea-foods, although when the concept was introduced many years ago, it sounded like a great idea.

Grapes, peaches, avocados, tomatoes, squashes, spinach, etc. are so good at this time of year. They are my go to foods at the moment. I also enjoy smoothies made from yoghurt, bananas, and frozen organic strawberries.

On Facebook I "like" the Live Gluten Freely page, but it's sponsored by companies that are based on grains. Even though several of these companies make gluten-free alternative products, they are not grain-free, and many of them also contain high fructose corn syrup and other stuff I don't want to consume.

I haven't read Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma, and perhaps I should. Perhaps it addresses the issues I'm wrestling with. I'm not sure. I am sure that I need to avoid grains and legumes, and I know that these foods are widely advertised on tv and in magazines.

Oh, yes, temptations abound. My daily challenge is avoiding the temptations and the resulting pain and suffering.

It isn't easy.

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