I knew some time has passed since I last posted, but didn't realize it's been a whole year!!
What's new with me? I've read more material about eating grain/gluten free, so that hasn't changed. However, authors don't always agree to what's best when one has diabetes and celiac. Well, for celiac, most people do agree: DON'T EAT ANY GRAINS! I don't so that's a non-issue with me. The biggest issue has to do with my blood sugar. Questions about fructose and various sweeteners abound for me. I use some sugar in some recipes--I usually reduce the amount from what the recipe calls for. However, I've been avoiding the artificial sweeteners and the alternative ones in favor of using honey and maple syrup. But, some people say to avoid those and use raw stevia. I haven't tried that yet. I'll have to do more research to find out how to substitute it in recipes I've already altered.
I still use blanched almond flour, almond butter, and/or almond paste in my baking. They work great and have a more neutral flavor than coconut products have. Last week I bought some So Delicious Coconut Milk Egg Nog. It tasted pretty good, but one does taste the coconut.
I'm thinking about trying to be even more serious about eliminating sweeteners, but at this point I'm just thinking about it and not doing anything about it.
One thing that concerns me was that gout attack I experienced a few weeks ago. My left wrist and hand were involved, and the pain was awful. The doctor said that purines in foods like cauliflower, asparagus, mushrooms, spinach, all fish and meats, and beer can be the culprits. He also said that fructose is suspected as being a culprit. Just before I had gout I'd been eating a lot of cauliflower, mushrooms,spinach, and liver. I don't drink beer any longer because it's brewed from grains. Now I'm being careful with the vegetables that are rich in purines.
Sometimes it becomes rather daunting trying to figure out how to eat to be healthy!!